Nairobi & Kisukioni

In June 2010 Chinelo Uchendu a barrister enthused with all that she has learned in Pro Labore and fired with the zeal to bring God’s loving kindness in other part of the world was trained and missioned to Kenya where she was able to complete the registration, start a feeding programme and gather indigenes to continue the work.

In August 2010 the group fled by Micheal Konwea, a missionary from Nigeria who took over from Chileno found that there was need for an Education Centre at the feeding area so as to give tuition to the children who were not attending school for lack of school fees. Other apostolate such as clothing for the poor on the street, health care and prison apostolate.

In January 2018 Onesmus a missionary from Kenya established a new branch in Kisukinni.

PLD Kenya Nairobi;
  • School
  • Children: